w e l c o m e

To protect everyone's health and safety, we are taking the precautions listed below.
Contact us if you have any questions or want more information.

Coronavirus Modifications

Sessions for different households will be spaced at least 1 hour apart to allow full air exchange.
Masks for clients are optional. CMT will continue to mask during sessions.
Air purifiers will continue to run 24/7.
Cancellation fees waived for coronavirus related reasons.

we believe that through intentional bodywork, we can support the whole person.

we seek to facilitate the body's own healing process to restore and rejuvenate.

Kimberly Mark, CMT #71107
Co-Founder & Therapist, Balance Bodywork

Kim is a neuromuscular massage therapist with a focus on pain management, injury prevention and rehabilitation. She designs her bodywork to address specific needs, beginning gently then moving gradually deeper through the layers of muscles and fascia to break up knots, release toxins, and relieve pain. Kim encourages her clients to be active participants in their healing process, and they consistently leave her sessions feeling more relaxed and in tune with their bodies. She strives to bring balance to the mind, body and spirit, believing that whole, pain-free individuals make their communities more creative, harmonious, and peaceful.  

Angelina Cedeno, CMT #72441
Co-Founder, Balance Bodywork
Founder & Therapist, Angelina's Art of Healing

Angelina has always been fascinated with the mind, body, and internal connection. The human body has an incredible ability to heal itself; this inspired her journey of self healing. Through her extensive training in life coaching, energy healing, and massage therapy, Angelina designs each session according to the body's needs. She believes when any of the elements are out of balance, the body responds with stress, tension, and pain. By creating a safe and supported space, Angelina invites deep and personal transformation to arise. 

Cancellation Policy*

Cancellation with less than 24 hours of notice: 25% of the session fee.
First no-show: 50% session fee.
No-shows following: 100% session fee.

*Fees waived for cancellations due to coronavirus related reasons (i.e., symptom development, positive exposure, etc.)